Principal’s Message

Welcome to White Hills Primary School. At White Hills our school motto is ‘Educating for the Future’. We endevour to instil the essential toolkit needed for our diverse world. We aim to create calm and creative classrooms in which students can actively participate in all aspects of the curriculum.

Prep enrolments for 2025

Any enrolment forms for 2025 students should be forwarded to the office to assist with the organisation of classroom allocations for 2025. Enrolments are due by Friday 26th July, 2024. We welcome any parents to tour and see the exciting resources that White Hills Primary School has to offer.

Crossing The Road Safely

For your child’s safety we ask that all children use the crossing at the back of the school (Bosquet St) and wait for the duty teacher to assist them to cross the road. Parents can come and collect their child and take them across the road but no child should cross the road without an adult. Similarly, we ask that at the front of the school (Plumridge St) ALL CHILDREN and accompanying parents use the designated crossing to cross the road. DO NOT CROSS AT THE BRIDGE – this is not a controlled pedestrian crossing and cars have right of way.

EFTPOS Facilities at White Hills PS

An EFTPOS payment facility is available at the school for the convenience of parents.

Opening times are 8:30am – 4pm.

Terms of use:

Minimum transaction fee is $10

NO Cash Out facility

For the payment of school fees

School Newsletter Distributed Electronically

Our school newsletter is posted on the school website each week on a Thursday.  Hard copies of the newsletter are NOT sent home.  You can subscribe through the website (see ‘newsletter’ link below) or fill out a parent email form which is available from the office, return it us and we’ll complete the process for you.  Every Thursday you will receive an email notifying you that the newsletter is now available on the school’s website.  Click on the newsletter link within the email which will take you to the school’s website.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Craig Arrowsmith
Acting Principal

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